February 27, 2022

      Magisterra Soloists "Young Performers Audition"

      Magisterra Soloists would like to thank the many studio teachers and young string players who participated in unprecedented numbers in this year‘s Young Performer‘s Award Audition.

      Thank you for joining us for this truly inspiring musical afternoon!

      We are pleased to announce the following recipients of the 2022 Young Performer‘s Award:

                               Justin Bian (13yrs)

                               Isaac Chen (6yrs)

      These two performers are invited to join us as soloists on Sunday, July 24, 2022 at 3pm as a part of our “Magisterra at the Museum” concert series.

      Every single applicant that we heard at the YPA audition displayed a high level of preparation and dedication! In light of this and in keeping with Magisterra‘s YPA mandate, we would like to extend an offer to additional participants to perform solo at our Baroque Christmas concert on Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 4pm at First St-Andrew‘s United Church: 

                               Sophia Menelaou (13yrs)

                               James Sutherland (8yrs)

                               Yerin Lee / Katherine Klassen (13yrs)


      Congratulations to the Award Recipients and all participants!

      MSI Team
